소아에서 발작기 동성 휴지를 동반한 근간대 발작 1례

소아에서 발작기 동성 휴지를 동반한 근간대 발작 1례

A case of ictal sinus pause and myoclonic seizure in a child

Release Date : 2013. 10. 18(금)
Jung Hye Byeon, Hye Ryun Kim, Gun-Ha Kim, Mi Kyung Kim, Chang Sung Son, Baik-Lin Eun
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
변정혜, 김혜련, 김건하, 김미경, 손창성, 은백린
고려대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실


Introduction: Ictal tachycardia or bradycardia are common phenomenon, but ictal sinus pause or asystole are rare phenomenon manifestate more severely. Most of ictal arrhythmia is reported in adults with temporal lobe epilepsy and when treating patients with cabamazepine. Recently, ictal arrhythmia is notable finding as an alarm sign to Sudden Unexpected Death of Epilepsy Patient (SUDEP). We report an interesting case of a child who presented with ictal sinus pause. Case: A 27 month old girl was hospitalized due to 5 episodes of febrile convulsions during recent 2 days. First simple febrile convulsion event was in her 16 month old. Motor and language skill were proper for her age. Routine EEG (electroencephalography) was normal, but for every 3 days she showed one brief generalized tonic seizure per a day. In video-monitored EEG and ECG (electrocardiography), multiple myoclonic seizures were recorded with or without frequent sinus pause. The day after treatment with valproic-acid, only two times of sinus pause were shown on the holter-ECG during 24 hours. After anti-epileptic treatment there was none of both myoclonic or generalized tonic seizure. Conclusion : Sinus dysfunction should be recognized in electroencephalography and sometimes can be treated with antiepileptic drug.

Keywords: sinus arrythmia, Ictal arrythmia, Myoclonus